3/12/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #46 (3/12/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 3/12/18! When did we hit December? So much has happened this year I haven’t been able to keep up. I am very excited with what the new year will hold and soon you will know why! Over the next couple of weeks as we edge towards the end of the year, there will be a lot of announcements to get you pumped for what’s coming up. 2019 is going to be one hell of an adventure and I hope you’re ready for it! The first thing that needs to happen is the launch of the new website. I keep writing and talking about it, so I know you’re waiting for it. Don’t worry, it should be done soon! When we launch it, there may be a few issues during the transition but it will all be worth it. Anyway, let’s get into this update! News The redesign of this website is very close to being done. With that will come some other big announcements, so watch this space!
It's time to wrap-up the month of November. It came and went pretty fast but a tonne of content came out. Let's look back at what was and get excited about what is about to come out!
26/11/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #45 (26/11/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 26/11/18! Can you believe that we are in the final week of November? Where did this year go? The Christmas Carols are playing in almost every shopping centre, and it may be either snowing or boiling hot outside depending on where you are (unfortunately, I am the latter). Either way, everyone is starting to seem a bit more joyous. I don’t know if you ever notice this, but I always tend to find people are a little bit happier during the silly season, and this is coming from someone who has worked in retail and hospitality over this season! Anyway, I’ll soon be putting on my reindeer antlers to get into the spirit of things! Now, let’s get into this update! News The website redesign is still in the works, so at any point you may be looking upon a brand-new website. As I have mentioned previously, this website redesign will bring about some new things that will be happening on the website. So, watch this space! 19/11/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #44 (19/11/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 19/11/18! As I write this, I am feeling quite sick, which is not good since I have so much planned this week. Not only do we have content coming out of our ears but there will soon be a whole new website that will soon be launched. Yep, you heard right. Unlike the last change where things were moved around slightly and there was a new logo, this will be a complete change. So, since this will be such a big change, some things may not work when we transfer over. Be patient, TaleInferno will be back up to its best in no time! Along with it will come other exciting launches, so it’s all happening. Anyway, let’s get into this update! News First things first, after the hiccup last week, Writing Wednesday will be launched this week! I hope you’re excited because it is going to be a fun, little time for us to sit down and write together. Then, we’ve got the website redesign coming soon! I’m just doing the final backing up of content and then we’ll be ready to go! I’m really excited about how it’s going to look and I’ll be launching some other things as well, so it’ll be a very fun time! 12/11/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #43 (12/10/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 12/11/18! I'm still not sold that we're actually in November, so much in fact I wrote that as NOvember by accident! We've got a couple of months until we end the year and enter into the shiny unknown of 2019, and I cannot tell you how excited I am for it. So much is happening and I've got my arms wide open to embrace the change. I've also got some pretty cool content coming this week and a tonne planned for the small amount of time we have left for this year, so hold onto your hats cause we're in for quite the journey! Anyway, let's get cracking into this update before I get too carried away! News Writing Wednesdays will be starting this week! It's going to go through a trial period and will probably change week by week until I figure out the best way to approach it. However, I hope you're excited to join me in sitting down and doing some writing with me every Wednesday (if the internet permits, of course!). So, keep an eye out for it as we begin this new journey! I'm still working on some of the other stuff I mentioned last week but I'm close to having everything done, so you'll just have to wait and see what's coming! 5/11/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #42 (5/11/18)Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 5/11/18!
As you can see, this is a double up as a normal update as well as a celebratory vlog. Everything written in this update is mentioned in the video. However, if you don’t want to listen to me yammering on all excited about everything, you can read all of it at your leisure! 15/10/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #41 (15/10/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 15/10/18! As you would have seen on social media, I decided not to post anything last week. This was due to a loss in the family, which made me feel very unmotivated and emotionally drained. There is still pain but I am back and ready to get into some content for this week! For me, the best way to heal is to do the things I love, and for me that is reading, writing and losing myself in stories. There was also some stress regarding some university assignments but I’m so close to finishing that I’m too excited to let it hold me down! As we edge closer to me being free, you’ll start to notice a few changes on here. From structure changes to the amount of content that is posted, it’s all positive and means that all of you get more opportunities to ignite the stories within you! Now let’s get into this update! News As mentioned above, there will be some changes happening on the site. The first noticeable one will be the amount of content that is posted. Although I’m still busy, I can start to feel my time becoming a little freer with each assignment I submit! Oh, and on the video game reviews, we’re still waiting on a few technological updates. However, I aim on having that content out very soon! It's monthly wrap-up time! Not a lot happened over the month of September for a range of reasons but as we get closer to the end of the year, we get closer to producing more content.
2/10/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #40 (1/10/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 1/10/18 (although it is the 2/10/18… have I done this for the second week in a row?)! We’re in October! Where has this year gone? Not only does October mean the beginning of Halloween festivities and preparation for those interested in the spooky season, but it also marks the last couple of weeks until I’m all finished with uni! You can probably tell by the sporadic content recently that things are getting pretty busy in my life that I’m finding it very hard to get content out. My priority at the moment is to get my uni assignments done so that I can get on with my life and get cracking into all the plans I have for TaleInferno. However, that means making some sacrifices until then. Anyway, let’s get into this update! News Due to what I’ve mentioned above, the current situation with content is the update on Monday (or Tuesday, as it has been the last two weeks) and the Vlog on Friday (or Saturday, as it has been the last couple of weeks). I am really trying hard to find time to put out the other content too, but battling with low energy and a progressively worse internet connection makes it very hard to actually get that content to you. So, any other content other than those two mentioned will be a super bonus! 25/9/2018 0 Comments Weekly update #39 (25/9/18)![]() Hello all and welcome to the update for the week beginning 24/9/18 (although it’s a day late, so, really, it’s 25/9/18)! It has been a very busy couple of weeks out in the working and studying world where I live away from TaleInferno. However, I am doing my best to keep on top of everything and to ensure that I’m putting up at least one post that isn’t just this weekly update! As you can imagine, and hence why this update is a day late, it has made me a bit run down. Becoming sick is never a fun experience, particularly when you know it’s because you’re pushing yourself a bit too hard. Nonetheless, I already know that I’m going to look back on this year and be proud of what I have been able to achieve. … That’s assuming I get everything done and it all goes to plan! Anyway, let’s get right into this update since we are already a day late! News No news for this week. However, an update on the video game reviews: I have all the bits and pieces I need, just not a supportive internet. I will try and get the first video out as soon as I can! |
AuthorCharlotte is a reading and writing lover who has completed a creative writing intensive course at the University of Oxford and is a current university student studying a double degree in journalism and creative writing. If you are curious to learn more, check out the 'About' page. Archives
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